
Sessions will include keynote speakers, presentations by our lead scientists, PhD students, early-career researchers and industry representatives, highlighting the value of academic/industry partnerships.

Tuesday 19 March

Rangatira o nga huihuinga | MC: Mark Buntzen
8.00am Tea and coffee served
9.00am Karakia
Mark Ormsby, Kaumātua/Tikanga Advisor
9.10am Introductions
  High-Value Nutrition – The Final Chapter
Joanne Todd, Director, High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge
  Professor Frank Bloomfield, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Auckland. HVN Board Member
9.45am Keynote Speaker: Can nutrition science play its expected role in meeting grand challenges?
Professor Philip Calder, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
10.30am Kai marama | Morning tea and Poster session
Digestive Health Programme
11.00am  Introduction
Professor Nicole Roy, University of Otago. Principal Investigator, HVN Digestive Health Priority Research Programme
Professor Richard Gearry, University of Otago. Consultant Gastroenterologist, Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha. Co-lead Investigator, HVN Digestive Health Priority Research Programme
11.15am  COMFORT-PSYKI: Christchurch IBS cOhort to investigate Mechanisms FOr gut Relief and improved Transit – PSYllium + Kiwifruit
Dr Simone Bayer, Research Fellow, University of Otago
Dr Diana Cabrera, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, AgResearch
11.25am  Kiwifruit Ingestion to Normalise Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Jasjot Maggo, PhD candidate, University of Otago
Industry perspectives
Dr Paul Blatchford, Innovation Manager – Core Products, Zespri
11.45am Bread Related Effects on Microbial Distribution (BREAD) Study
Hwei Min Ng, PhD candidate, University of Otago
11.55am Industry perspectives
Anthony Light, Baking R&D Manager, Goodman Fielder
12.05pm  Listening to the TuMMI: Using novel physiome measures help us understand digestion
Dr Amber Milan, Postdoctoral Scientist, AgResearch and the Liggins Institute
12.15pm  A quantitative approach for subtyping bowel-based disorders of gut-brain interaction
Dr Jarrah Dowrick, Research Fellow, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
12.25pm  Q&A
12.35pm Tina | Lunch
Digestive Health Programme
1.35pm Effects of Ruminant Milk on Nutrition and Digestive Comfort in Healthy Older Women
Dr Cissie Chen, Technical Manager, NIG Nutritionals and Shien Ping Ong, PhD candidate, University of Otago
1.50pm Mānuka honey for digestive health
Jackie Evans, Chief Science Officer, Comvita and Laura Gake Ombasa, PhD candidate, University of Otago
2.05pm Acute effects of green kiwifruit on sleep quality and mood in healthy males
Alex Kanon, PhD Candidate, Riddet Institute
2.20pm  Q&A
Whakaaro Mōhio | Our Smartest Minds
HVN scholarship recipients
2.30pm Whakatōhea kuku (green-lipped mussel) economies
Georgia McLellan, PhD candidate, University of Auckland and Research Officer, Massey University
2.45pm Poipoia te kākano – Whangaia te iwi | Nurture the seed – feed the people
Maria Barnes, PhD candidate, University of Otago
3.00pm Te Rongo Taketake o Te Kūmara: Navigating Kūmara cultivation systems and natural cycles aligned with Maramataka
Harina Rupapera, PhD candidate, Te Whare Wānanga – Awanuiārangi
3.15pm Kai marama | Afternoon tea 
Whakaaro Mōhio | Our Smartest Minds
HVN scholarship recipients
3.30pm Aotearoa bananas for feeding the infant microbiota
Simone Frame
3.45pm Rongoā Māori renaissance: reclaiming traditional healing wisdom
Robyn Richardson, PhD candidate, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and Adviser, Macorja Group
 4.00pm Q&A
Infant Health Programme
4.10pm Introduction
Professor Clare Wall, University of Auckland. Principal Investigator, HVN Infant Health Priority Research Programme
4.20pm Challenges of infant feeding trials – lessons learnt
Dr Amy Lovell, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
4.35pm Nourishing the infant gut: Exploring the potential of a prebiotic complementary food using an in vitro model
Jacqui Tonkie, PhD candidate, Riddet Institute
4.50pm Foods to modulate the infant gut microbiota: a combined in silico and in vitro strategy
Vitor Geniselli Da Silva, PhD candidate, Riddet Institute
5.05pm The Effect of Prebiotic Food on Sleep Patterns in First-Year Infants - A Study Protocol
Xiaoxi Fu, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
5.20pm Q&A
5.30pm Kati hui | Close
5.40-6.40pm Huihuinga hapori | Networking drinks

Wednesday 20 March

Rangatira o nga huihuinga | MC: Mark Buntzen
8.00am Tea and coffee served
9.00am Keynote Speaker
Amanda Stevens, Consumer Futurist
10.00am Kai marama | Morning tea and Poster session
Metabolic Health Programme
10.30am Introduction to the PANaMAH (Peak Nutrition for Metabolic Health) Programme (inc PANaMAH Industry Insights)
Associate Professor Jennifer Miles-Chan, University of Auckland. Principal Investigator, HVN Metabolic Health Priority Research Programme
10.50am The New Zealand SYNERGY Study
Dr Ivana Sequeira-Bisson, Senior Research Fellow, University of Auckland
11.05am New Zealand Diet for Diabetes Prevention (SYNERGY Study): A Residential Nutrition Intervention
Kok Hong Leiu, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
11.10am Role of the gut microbiota and dietary intervention in the metabolically at-risk: insights from an Asian Chinese cohort
Saif Faraj, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
11.15am Evaluating the impact of the New Zealand Synergy diet on the plasma metabolome
Dr Aidan Joblin-Mills, Post Doctoral Researcher, AgResearch
11.20am Enhancing Postprandial Thermogenesis and Lipid Oxidation for the Prevention of Type II Diabetes
Jack Penhaligan, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
11.25am FERDINAND: Evaluating FEijoa foR DIabetes Prevention
Ibrahim Mohamed, PhD candidate, University of Auckland and Dr Aahana Shrestha, Clinical Studies and Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Anagenix
11.40am Postprandial effect of whey protein hydrolysate on glucose regulation and energy expenditure
Dr Jia Jiet Lim, University of Auckland and Dr Chia Chun (Marcus) Loi, Senior Research Technologist, Tatua
11.55am Tūhauora: multidisciplinary investigation of the functional properties of the taonga, kawakawa
Dr Chris Pook, Senior Research Fellow, University of Auckland and Dr Meika Foster, Director, Edible Research 
 12.10pm Mussel with fucoidan as supplemented superfood
Professor Jun Lu, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
 12.25pm Q&A
12.40pm Tina | Lunch
Immune Health Programme
 1.35pm Introduction
Dr Olivier Gasser, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. Principal Investigator, HVN Immune Health Priority Research Programme
1.45pm Immunometabolism and diet
Dr David O’Sullivan, Senior Research Fellow, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
1.55pm Role of the arylhydrocarbon receptor in nutritional immunology
Dr Jeffry Tang, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
The value of science
Lillian Morton, University of Auckland
Dr Dominic Lomiwes, Science Team Leader, Plant & Food Research
Dr Nicola Gillies, Lecturer, University of Auckland
Zac Robinson, Co-Founder, Ārepa
2.30pm BerriQi – protecting lung function from environmental pollution
Dr Dominic Lomiwes, Science Team Leader, Plant & Food Research and Dr Aahana Shrestha, Clinical Studies and Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Anagenix
2.45pm Effects of Collagen Hydrolysate
Professor Jane Coad, Professor of Nutrition, Massey University
 3.00pm Q&A
3.15pm Kai marama | Afternoon tea 
Immune Health / Mobility
3.30pm Greenshell mussels for early signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis
Professor Pamela von Hurst, Massey University
3.50pm The effects of a novel omega-3 rich food product on inflammation, healing and wellbeing in people with Achilles tendinopathy
Dr David Musson, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
4.05pm Pāmu Deer Milk
Professor Pamela von Hurst, Massey University and Hamish Glendinning, Head of Commercial, Pāmu Foods
4.20pm Q&A
Panel: Support Ecosystem for Aotearoa New Zealand Food and Beverage Businesses
5.00pm Q&A
5.15pm Kati hui | Close
Tina hui | Conference dinner
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Thursday 21 March

Rangatira o nga huihuinga | MC: Mark Buntzen
8.00am Tea and coffee served
9.00am Keynote Speaker
Professor Helene McNulty, Director of the Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) and Professor of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Ulster University, Northern Ireland
He Rourou Whai Painga
9.45am Introduction and findings
Professor Jeremy Krebs, Endocrinologist, Capital and Coast Health. Professor, University of Otago
9.55am Participant insights from He Rourou Whai Painga
Dr Denise Conroy, Plant & Food Research. HVN Consumer Insights Programme Lead
 10.10am Building industry links; what have we learned?
Associate Professor Fiona Lithander, University of Auckland. HVN Science Leadership Team
10.30am Q&A
10.40am Kai marama | Morning tea
  He Rourou Whai Painga
11.05am Aotearoa New Zealand diet intervention for metabolic health: using behaviour change science to improve participant adherence
Anna Worthington, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
 11.20am Aotearoa New Zealand diet intervention for metabolic health: Influence on eating behaviour, food choices and appetite
Litto Tharakan, PhD candidate, University of Auckland
 11.35am Design, development and testing of a novel automated food tracking application
Lachlan Lee, junior doctor and PhD candidate, University of Otago
 11.50am Evaluating the interactions between an Aotearoa New Zealand diet for metabolic health and the gut microbiome
Ella Silk, PhD candidate, University of Otago
 12.05pm Q&A
12.15pm Tina | Lunch
Science of Food
 1.15pm Introduction
Distinguished Professor Harjinder Singh, Riddet Institute. HVN Science of Food Programme Lead
1.25pm Calocurb
Sarah Kennedy, CEO, Calocurb
1.35pm Native monofloral honeys
Dr John van Klink, Plant & Food Research
 1.50pm Q&A
Rapid Fire Industry Development Grants
2.05pm Rongoā infusions
John Te Amo, Macorja Group
2.15pm Pre-approved health and nutrition content claims for New Zealand grown peanuts
Dr Carolyn Lister, Principal Scientist and Team Leader Food & Health Information, Plant & Food Research
2.25pm Zoffee: Developing a native New Zealand coffee alternative
Reuben Dods, Co-Founder, Zoffee
2.35pm Opportunities from our Blue Economy
Hamish Howard, co-Founder, NewFish
2.45pm Maramataka, provenance of kānuka oil, tea, floral water and leaves
Dr Jane Mullaney, Agresearch. HVN Vision Mātauranga Leader
2.55pm Q&A

Professor Richard Mithen, HVN Chief Scientist
3.15pm Closing remarks
Bob Major, Co-Chair, HVN Board
3.25pm Karakia
Mark Ormsby, Kaumātua/Tikanga Advisor
3.30pm Kati hui | Close
3.30pm Afternoon tea